Thursday, November 11, 2010

Carolina's Coming!

Yeah, so I was going strong, blogging almost every weekday and absolutely loving it. Then, life happened!

We decided to have our living room painted and had to clear those rooms out for the painter, pick paint, pick new curtains, etc. After the painting was done I decided I wanted to do a good clean of the two rooms, which mean floorboards, floors, rugs, every piece of furniture in the room and everything that goes back into the room (including what goes back into the china hutch). It was tough work. After I finished that, I decided I wanted to do a good clean of the back bedroom since my best girlfriend, Carolina, is coming to stay with us. So, that meant scrubbing the walls, floorboards, floors, rug, cleaning the curtains, comforter sheets and everything that went back into my room. My back is crying for a break. Yuck.

But, it will pay off because I get to see my Carolina! I just have to clean the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom tonight and maybe make a few treats for the weekend.

Carolina and I waiting to see "Sweeney Todd" in April.

Me and Carolina at the Cherry Blossom Festival! We had incredibly beautiful weather.

Carolina is from Columbia, and we met in college in a history class. We studied together a couple of times, and we really hit it off. I was a communications/journalism major, and she was a communications/theater major. We ended up having a few classes that overlapped, and we just kept hitting it off. Although I was not involved in theater in college, I loved and still do love theater. Carolina was the stage manager in many of the productions, and I loved going to see her.

Carolina, my mom and me

Carolina looking adorable, while I look like a total bum. We were heading home after "Wicked."

Our second year in college, my first roommate decided to live off of campus, so I was left without a roommate. Carolina was my suite mate, and when things with her roommate didn't work out (think young college girl dating a man older than my parents...blah), Carolina decided to move in with me.

We stayed roommates throughout the rest of our college experience. She was the neat freak, and I was the slob. However, I think she rubbed off on me because I am a crazy clean person now. Yes, my house gets messy, but it drives me insane.

In our junior year of college, Carolina and I moved into a house on campus. That house is where we truly bonded. We got our own rooms and had the chance to have some more space to ourselves. It was really good for us. We spent many nights sitting on each other's beds laughing, crying, studying and gossiping (and we, of course, occasionally opened a nice bottle of wine). It was perfect!

After college, Carolina moved around a few times and is now living in Virginia, near Washington, D.C. We see each other more now than we did a few years ago. The last two Thanksgivings she has come to our place (day after Thanksgiving). Last Thanksgiving, she came down to our place, and we went to Cleveland to see "Wicked" and the house from "The Christmas Story." I traveled down to see her the week of Holy Week, and we went to the cherry blossom festival and to see a production of "Sweeney Todd." It was nice because her birthday is April 2, and I got to see her! Remember, we love our theater. So, that's always an important part of our time together, too!

Carolina and I at "Wicked" last November.

My brother's girlfriend Maria, Carolina and I waiting for "Wicked."

I can't wait for this weekend. Our plans include some Christmas shopping and catching up with friends for a nice dinner. It will be great and relaxing!

At a restaurant featured on "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives," after "Wicked."

Visiting the house from "The Christmas Story," after "Wicked."

I will try to get back into blogging more. Right now is rough because of the holidays and other big things going on, but I am trying to get back into the swing!

Have a great day!

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