Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chapter Closing!

Ok, so I kinda fell off the earth there, but I am trying to get back on the blogging wagon. A lot has been going on in my life. It's crazy enough that it is the holiday season. However, I then decided we should have two rooms in our house painted; then we did the good clean of our house, and I mean good clean (every corner, closet, wall and floorboard was scrubbed and/or reorganized.) It is wonderful now. We had the holidays mixed in, a friend staying with us for a weekend and a few gatherings at our house. Plus, I have two jobs, which brings me to the biggest change of all: I quit one of my jobs.

It's a good thing in the long run. I am not using my skills here, and I feel used. I have three positions in this building and answer to four people. It makes for one insane work week. When I was hired, I was initially hired to work for the newspaper. (I have a degree in communications.) Then, approximately three years into the job, my one boss came and told me I was being promoted to the director of a new program in the building; it involved a raise, so I took it. At that point, I was working two jobs. However, I quickly realized that the new job I took on was not a promotion by any means; I became a secretary. Now, don't get me wrong, I have all the respect in the world for secretaries, but I went to school to be a journalist. I understand you have to work your way up in a company, but I felt that after three years, I had proven myself, and I felt like I was going backwards. I stuck out the second job because of the nice raise.

Then, this past summer, my head boss (who was new) came in and told me they would be splitting me again into a third position. This time, there was no raise. Yeah, I felt really appreciated. In their minds, it was a compliment I was getting so many positions. They said they knew I could handle it. To me, well, I felt like I was being used. Plus, did I mention, the new position was another secretary position? It was.

The company I work for has been downsizing for a few years, just like everyone else. We are a nonprofit organization, and I know money is tight. But, I went to school to be a journalist, not someone's you-know-what!

The final factor that determined my resignation was that I wasn't even happy in the position I originally signed up for. When I was in college, I was the assistant editor and promoted to editor of the school newspaper. I graduated with honors and had a paid internship at a newspaper. I covered fires, an attempted murder trial and so many other things. They offered me a job, and I turned it down to take the job at this paper. I knew the stories would be less interesting at this job, but the money was better, hours were better, and the commute was better. So, I took the plunge.

When I came here, I realized I was working with two older women who were stuck in their ways. They weren't very good with journalism and didn't understand design and a lot of the grammar rules. It was frustrating. It was like teaching an old dog new tricks; it wasn't happening. The one thing I convinced them to change was that stories shouldn't jump backwards, meaning if a story starts on page four, it shouldn't jump to page three; that's backwards. They did let me convince them to change that.

I know I am rambling, but I need to get this all down. I thought time would change things. However, my immediate boss at the paper can't stand giving control to anyone else, so she covers 95 percent of the stories. I do some design (without much creative liberty), a handful of stories a year and typing, a lot of typing. Again, I did not go to schoolt obe a typist. It is frustrating; it is tiring; and it is time to move on.

If you have gotten this far, congratulations. I really needed to get it all out. I mean, I have worked here for almost five years, This is a big chapter of my life closing.

I put in my resignation Nov. 23, 2010, and I told them I would stay until Dec. 21. I want to leave on good terms. For the most part, this place has been good to me. I have great co-workers, and the hours are unbeatable. It just isn't working for me anymore, and I have realized money isn't everything. I will be picking up more hours with Weight Watchers, and I will hopefully be moving up the chain there. I may get to do some public relations there, too. I really hope this all pans out.

Again, sorry this was so long. I promise my future updates will be more exciting. Now, I feel like i can get back to some happy blogging. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I ate too much, but it was wonderful!

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