Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Prognosis is Good!

Well, it isn't gout! Thank you! That is a typically something older people and men get. I know I am getting closer and closer to the big 3-0, but I am not quite prepared for the diseases and problems of the elderly Heck, I still haven't figured out what I want to be when I grow up! I know I am not ready to be the game night host at a nursing home I am living in ... not yet!

Anyways not much new going on here. I have been kind of nursing my foot. Today, I actually worked out twice and brought another box up from the basement to put more winter clothes in the closets. I need to get those warmer clothes out! It is quite chilly, if I do say so myself. This morning in my car, my thermostat read 37! I am not kidding. Now, I am all for the cold, but I really love fall, and it's only October. Hold off old man winter. Yes, I have major crush on you in December, but not yet, buddy!

This weekend is my parents' Halloween party, and you will have to stay tuned to see what my dear husband and I are going to be! Also, Sunday, Joe and I and the rest of my family are going to the pumpkin patch. We will probably cheat and get our carveable (yes, I made up that word) pumpkin at the local store because it is way cheaper. But, the pumpkin patch has a Christmas and fall shop, kettle corn, apple cider, hay rides and other fall foods. My family started coming with us last year, and it is a blast. They are all going to come to our house afterwards for dinner and to watch "Sweeney Todd." Woo hoo!

Finally, here are a few pictures. I failed big time and forgot to take my camera, so I had to steal these. Some are blurry ... sorry. The worst and best part of alumni weekend: I didn't get any pictures of the Oreo cupcakes, but they were so popular, they were gone in a flash! The were definitely a hit. the only changes I made to the recipe were that I added chopped Ores to the chocolate (box mix, he he) cake batter, mixed finely blended Oreos into the cream cheese frosting and decorated with mini Oreos. They were divine! you have to make them now!

Here is my dad, me, my brother Derek (in the back), my husband Joe, my sister Kayla and my mom before the game!

Here I am getting ready to go on the field for halftime!

This one is blurry, but this is during pregame! The girl on the left is Amanda. I am actually really good friends
with her older brother and friends with her now, too! I remember when she was a little girl;
now she's in grad school. Wow, I am old!

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