Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Rocky Horror" captures "Glee"

Nothing too exciting is happening today, and I am on deadline for work, which is making my creativity dampen. I don't have the patience to come up with a witty post or something fun.

You know what I am excited about? "Glee" is going "Rocky Horror Picture Show" tonight, and I can't wait! It is going to be phenomenal!

I grew up watching musicals in my family. We loved "Sound of Music," "Music Man," "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers," "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "Mary Poppins," just to name a few favorites. I was raised with morals, so "Rocky Horror Picture Show" was something I was not exposed to until my senior year in high school.

If you haven't seen "Rocky Horror," just picture cross dressing, crude humor and unnecessary language. It is a pretty raunchy show. I was exposed to it when my best friend from high school Carolyn and I went to visit a college we were thinking about attending. (It ended up being the school where we ended up attending.)

Well, I had visited the school with my parents and already decided I was going there. Carolyn was on the fence, so we drove up for a college visit together. It was a 45-minute drive, and we were so excited to go. We did a full tour of the campus, and since we both love music and theater, we decided to go see the college's production of the "Rocky Horror Show" that night.

We were quite surprised. Picture the two of us reserved, Catholic-school girls sitting in a play, which was full of audience participation and very risque costumes and dialogue. It was a riot, and we loved it. I can always appreciate a good production, and West Liberty always had high quality shows.

We ended up rooming together at West Liberty the next year, and the ironic part was that the theater production presented "Godspell" two years later. Although I loved the production of "Godspell" even more, I really appreciated "Rocky Horror" for what it was.

Although there isn't a real moral lesson presented in "Rocky Horror" it does have catchy music. I find the movie to be quite disturbing. It stars Tim Curry, Susan Sarrandon and Barry Bostwick. It is one of those productions that serves better as a live show.

Come on, how can you hate a show that featured "The Time Warp?"

"I wanna go to the late night, double feature picture show."

P.S. Totally off topic; we just had a tornado watch issued for our entire area. Freaky!

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